1673 - Shiraz 115x75cm

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Article number1673
Age25 Jahre
PatternClassically Medallion
Length x Breadth115x75cm
Feature detailsShiraz
Retailprice180,00 EUR

102,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Tax excl. Shipping costs. EU free!


Shiraz (Schirass, Gashai) At the southern tip of Iran, is the strongly frequented by tourists and oldest university city in the world, Shiraz. Not only universities have a long tradition even the carpet has been playing for over a thousand years ago a major role. Shiraz is used rather than Trade for more than production. The Turkic people of Gashgai and their subtribes the nomads in the province of Fars or are based in part around Shiraz where the Shiraz traded as "Gashgai" carpets. The Multimedallion carpets are surrounded by a variety of floral and geometric elements such as flowers, leaves, diamonds and polygons between many filled patterns. Dominant, besides beige and black, is the Shirazred (Early cherry) on the side of a lightly into the dark blue-reaching. The Shiraz is made of gross greasy wool on sheep's wool and camel hair in a knot density of 90-150 TKnt/sqm. For the connoisseur: the impression is given of orange and are even four Horses' heads to see, there is the more valuable Gashgai Shiraz.

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