Calibrating your Monitor


By today's technical possibilities to you as a consumer and us
as a seller the online trading of Oriental carpets become possible.

To make you a purchase decision esier you find from all our
carpets unrivaled photos with high resolution and significance.

Of each item has a XXXL recording with a resolution of up to
10 million pixels. This high-resolution images will show you
the exact drawing and the exact colors of the rug, so that
it seems that would have access to touch the carpet.

To be sure what quality each carpet has, there is a picture of
the back with a Centimeter photographed. There you have the
opportunity to identify the exact node density.

In order to see the carpets on your monitor as they will be showen
in your home, we would like to recommend this link to wikihow.
Here you can be sure that you can be reliable in future waht your
monitor is showing you.

Ihr Team.

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